An array with the identified background species in the recording.
Elevation (in meter).
Was the recorded animal seen.
Automatic (non-supervised) recording.
Indicates whether the recorded animal was seen.
The country where the recording was made.
The date that the recording was made.
Recording device used.
The English name of the species.
The URL to the audio file.
The original file name of the audio file.
The generic name of the species.
The group to which the species belongs (birds, grasshoppers, bats).
The catalogue number of the recording on xeno-canto.
The latitude of the recording in decimal coordinates.
The length of the recording in minutes.
The URL describing the license of this recording.
The longitude of the recording in decimal coordinates.
The name of the locality.
The recording method (field recording, in the hand, etc.).
Microphone used.
An object with the URLs to the three versions of oscillograms.
Was playback used to lure the animal.
The current quality rating for the recording.
The name of the recordist.
Registration number of specimen (when collected).
Additional remarks by the recordist.
The sex of the animal.
Sample rate.
An object with the URLs to the four versions of sonograms.
The specific name (epithet) of the species.
The subspecies name (subspecific epithet).
The life stage of the animal (adult, juvenile, etc.).
Temperature during recording (applicable to specific groups only).
The time of day that the recording was made.
The sound type of the recording (combining both predefined terms such as 'call' or 'song' and additional free text options).
The date that the recording was uploaded to xeno-canto.
The URL specifying the details of this recording.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a recording entity from the Xeno-Canto API response's "recordings" array.